Ontario Investing in Advanced Machinery for Students in Burlington
Burlington – The Ontario government is investing $47,000* to purchase high-tech machines for high schools in Burlington, helping young people gain the skills they need to prepare for careers in tooling and machining.
Details were announced today by Natalie Pierre, MPP for Burlington on behalf of Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.
"This equipment will deliver high tech machines to MM Robinson and Burlington Central High Schools giving students windows into careers in the skilled trades and exposure to new technologies" said Natalie Pierre, MPP for Burlington. "As students transition out of high school and into well-paying apprenticeships, this machinery will ensure hands on experience using relevant tools"
Equipment deliveries for the program began in November 2022, and range from CNC milling centres, lathes, and plasma cutters, to CNC desktop milling machines, high precision conventional milling machines, lathes with readouts, and more. In addition, each school will receive tool kits and cutting tools.
“Our goal is to expose high school students to technology at an earlier age to engage their interest for a career within our industry,” said Robert Cattle, Canadian Tooling & Machining Association (CTMA) Executive Director. “Not only does this expose students to newer technology at an earlier age, but also gives teachers up-to-date equipment to implement in their classrooms.”
This project by the CTMA and the Ontario Council for Technology and Education (OCTE) is funded through the ministry’s Skills Development Fund.
“Our government is proud to be funding projects that expose high school students to the skilled trades early on,” said Minister McNaughton. “Ontario needs more skilled workers, and that starts with attracting more young people to these rewarding, well-paying and life-long careers. I want to congratulate the CTMA and OCTE for this incredible initiative.”
The Skills Development Fund that allows organizations to apply for funding to deliver in-demand training programs. Since the Fund was launched in 2021, more than $660 million has been invested to help more than 400,000 people upgrade their skills.
Burlington High Schools Receiving Machines
MM Robinson High School $18,000*
Burlington Central High School $29,000*
*approximate dollar value
- The Canadian Tooling & Machining Association (CTMA) can be contacted via phone at (519) 653-7265, and email: rcattle@ctma.com
- Each participant will work alongside experienced tradespeople, skilled workers, and other professionals who will provide them with an opportunity to gain real world experience.
- Eligible employers could receive a wage subsidy of 50% of wages paid, up to $5,000 per placement.
Caroline Raskin | Executive Assistant
Office of Natalie Pierre
Member of Provincial Parliament
Tel.905-639-7924 Direct. 289-309-4049
Fax. 905-639-3284