Ontario Expands GO Train Service to Niagara
NIAGARA – To connect more people to jobs, housing and Canada’s top tourist destination, the Ontario government is increasing GO train service between Union Station and Niagara Falls, with more express service between Hamilton, Burlington and Toronto.
“The expansion of GO train service between downtown Toronto and Niagara Falls will not only shorten travel times for everyday commuters but will also help promote tourism and economic growth for the entire Niagara region,” said Premier Doug Ford. “Whether it’s building roads or highways, expanding our subways or transit service, our government is building the transportation infrastructure our economy needs to reach its full potential. We’re keeping people and goods moving.”
Starting May 20, weekday service to Niagara Falls will increase by two daily roundtrips and weekend service will increase by one daily roundtrip, for a total of 21 roundtrips per week. As part of these enhancements, GO trains will also resume service to St. Catharines VIA station. The province is also adding four additional weekday peak express trips in each direction on the Lakeshore West line, offering more travel options between Hamilton, Burlington and Toronto.
“This is another exciting step in our government’s plan to deliver more GO train trips, more often across the network, to help people get where they need to go with ease,” said Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation. “By providing more convenient transportation options between Niagara Region and the downtown Toronto core, we’re unlocking opportunities for jobs and economic growth across the Greater Golden Horseshoe.”
An economic driver for the province, Niagara’s tourism industry supports close to 23,000 jobs in the region. Weekend GO train service will have special seasonal bike coaches, providing passengers with the opportunity to bring along bicycles to explore the 56-kilometre Niagara River corridor.
“Our government recognizes tourism’s importance to Ontario’s economy,” said Neil Lumsden, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. “As we approach peak travel season, we want to encourage even more people to experience the fun and beauty found in Niagara Falls. By providing faster, more frequent GO services, we are strengthening Niagara’s $1.8 billion tourism industry.”
Quick Facts
- GO riders now have the option to tap their debit and credit cards on Presto devices, making travelling by GO transit more convenient. Since August 2022, over 826,000 contactless credit trips were logged across the GO transit network.
- GO riders can also access the GO Wi-Fi Plus service free of charge on all GO trains to stay connected while travelling.
- In August 2022, Premier Ford announced the return of year-round weekend GO rail service to Niagara, with two round trips each day.
- GO rail will become one of the busiest railways in North America with more than 200 million annual riders by 2055 – allowing seamless access to new subways, Light Rail Transit and municipal transit systems.
"Expanding GO Train service to Niagara is welcome news for Niagara businesses, commuters, and those who are looking forward to visiting our beautiful region. Once again, Premier Ford and Minister Mulroney are demonstrating their commitment to getting Niagara what it deserves, expanding public transit, and improving service. Since day one, our government has been committed to expanding Niagara GO, and this is another great step towards fulfilling that promise."
- Sam Oosterhoff
MPP for Niagara West
"Our government’s expansion of GO service to the Niagara Region, with a stop at West Harbour station, will better connect the people of Hamilton to exciting tourist destinations and economic opportunities. Through increased service at West Harbour as well as ongoing construction of the Confederation GO station at Centennial Parkway, our government is committed to connecting Hamilton with more convenient and affordable service across the GO transit network."
- Donna Skelly
MPP for Flamborough-Glanbrook
"Niagara Region is an important economic corridor that is vital to Ontario’s success. By increasing GO train service between Toronto and Niagara Falls, Premier Ford and Minister Mulroney are providing more options for regular daily commuters and helping to boost Niagara’s tourism industry and further strengthen Ontario’s economy for generations to come."
- Jim Bradley
Niagara Regional Chair
"This is what we’ve been waiting for! We know the incredible impact regular daily GO connectivity will have on the future of our community, so we have literally been behind this project for decades. The Ontario Government has not only seen the potential but is taking the real steps to make it happen."
- Jim Diodati
Mayor of Niagara Falls
"These service enhancements are especially welcome news for the people of St. Catharines, who will once again have a direct stop at St. Catharines VIA station. This means more options for a faster, more direct journey for commuters who rely on GO trains to get around, whether its work, school or any of the places that matter most."
- Mat Siscoe
Mayor of St. Catharines
"Metrolinx is improving connections for regional commuters and visitors to Ontario with additional weekday and weekend rail service between Niagara and Toronto. We are thrilled that our ongoing collaboration with our rail partners will enhance flexibility and convenience, better connect communities and provide more options for seamless travel for work and fun in the Niagara Region."
- Phil Verster
President and CEO of Metrolinx