Ontario Expanding Access to Lifechanging Treatment for Cystic Fibrosis
TORONTO — The Ontario government has expanded coverage for Trikafta, the latest treatment option for cystic fibrosis, to include all Ontarians aged six and over through its publicly-funded drug program. The province is also changing the eligibility criteria to remove the measurement of patients’ lung function in order to further reduce barriers for cystic fibrosis patients to access lifechanging treatments.
“Expanding coverage will ensure that more children with cystic fibrosis will be able to benefit from this innovative, lifechanging treatment sooner,” said Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “Providing patients with more options for treatment is another step in our government’s work to build a stronger health care system for all Ontarians.”
Previously, treatment was only available to Ontarians aged 12 and over. Following new recommendations by the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health (CADTH), Ontario is now the first province to expand access to youth aged six to 11. Eligible patients and their families should reach out to their health care team to help determine if Trikafta is the right treatment option for them.
“Today’s news will change the trajectory of the disease and the future for many children and adults in Ontario who live with cystic fibrosis,” said Kelly Grover, President and CEO, Cystic Fibrosis Canada. “Ontario was one of the first provinces to fund the drug for those 12 years of age and older last year, and today has continued to recognize Trikafta’s extraordinary, transformative value, by expanding coverage of Trikafta to include children ages six to 11 years old. We are pleased to see that the restrictive start criterion has also been removed, enabling more people to access the drug. We celebrate this news alongside our CF community in Ontario, who have worked tirelessly for this day.”
Quick Facts
- Cystic fibrosis is a rare and progressive genetic disease that causes thick mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract and other parts of the body. It causes persistent lung infections and leads to loss of lung function.
- It is estimated that one in every 3,600 children born in Canada has cystic fibrosis. There is currently no cure for cystic fibrosis.
- An estimated 1,500 Ontarians have cystic fibrosis.
- At list price, Trikafta costs approximately $300,000 per patient per year.
Additional Resources
- Ontario Providing Access to Lifechanging Treatment for Cystic Fibrosis Patients
- Get coverage for prescription drugs
- For public inquiries call ServiceOntario, INFOline at 1-866-532-3161 (Toll-free in Ontario only)