Ontario and Québec Launching Joint Call for Francophone Projects
TORONTO and QUÉBEC CITY – The Ontario and Québec governments are strengthening the Francophonie, its language, and cultures by supporting projects that promote economic prosperity, education and skills development. Applications for funding are being accepted under the Cooperation and Exchange Agreement between the government of Québec and the government of Ontario with respect to the Francophonie.
"This collaboration between Ontario and Québec, one of the longest-standing in the country's Francophonie, allows us to continue to work together for the growth and sustainability of the French language in Canada," said Jean-François Roberge, Minister responsible for Canadian Relations and the Canadian Francophonie. "The Québec Office in Toronto, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary, is an excellent demonstration of the importance that the Government of Québec places on its relationship with its Ontario partner, but also of our government's involvement in the Canadian Francophonie. It is also with this in mind that the National Assembly of Québec has designated March 22 as the Journée québécoise de la francophonie canadienne. We need to further boost collaborations and partnerships between Francophones in order to harness the common strengths of Francophones in joint projects, and thus create a new, active and committed Francophone solidarity."
"Our continued work supported through this cooperation agreement reflects the commitment of the governments of Québec and Ontario to promote the Francophonie and its language, cultures and entrepreneurial dynamism," said Caroline Mulroney, Ontario’s Minister of Francophone Affairs. "We are very proud of all the projects that have come to fruition thanks to this agreement. The funded projects are in line with the priorities of Francophones in both provinces including in the areas of culture, education and economic development.”
In 2022-23, $531,670 in grants were allocated to joint initiatives, the largest amount awarded since the beginning of this cooperation between Ontario and Québec. In 2022-23, this interprovincial collaboration supported 16 projects that promote the growth of the Francophonie in a variety of areas, such as economic development and entrepreneurship, seniors, sexual and gender diversity, family, and education. These partnerships contribute directly to the strengthening of Francophone ties between Québec and Ontario.
Quick Facts
- In 2016, Ontario and Québec renewed their commitments through the Cooperation and Exchange Agreement which dates back to 1969. The agreement calls for the sharing and exchange of information, expertise, and cooperation in a number of areas, including culture, education, early childhood, health, immigration, tourism, the economy, youth and the French language.
- The call for projects will be held from March 1 to April 12, 2023. Applications must be submitted through the new online platform of the Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes as soon as it is online.
- Funded projects must be developed and carried out jointly by Francophone organizations in Ontario and in Québec. Each project must be submitted by an applicant from one province and a co-applicant from the other province.
- Proposed projects must be completed by March 31, 2024. On the Québec side, applications must follow the parameters of the recently updated Program to Support the Canadian Francophonie: https://www.sqrc.gouv.qc.ca/francophonie-canadienne/soutien-financier/index.asp (available in French only)
- Since 2021, Ontario has been investing $250,000 annually to support projects funded under the Ontario-Québec Cooperation and Exchange Agreement with respect to the Francophonie.
- A joint selection committee made up of representatives from Ontario and Québec will evaluate applications and make recommendations to determine which projects will be co-funded.